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    Malleable iron pipe fittings in zinc alloy plating process Introduction

    Source: Time:2016-04-12 13:31:52 views:

    Malleable iron pipe fittings in zinc alloy plating process Introduction
    Hot-dip zinc-iron alloy plating process and electroplating are two different Yan plating method. Hot-dip galvanizing is the traditional craft Mary brass fittings, which transformed the electroplating, plating method is not only a fundamental change in the trend, or low cost, improve the production environment, reflecting the basic elimination of pollution. Since Ma Department of malleable iron pieces of brass, complex composition, loose structure, the interior surface of the base and has more shrinkage, porosity and trachoma and other defects, while easy to generate surface oxide film to the plating more difficult. The challenge after etching, carbon, silicon exposed on the surface, the hydrogen overpotential decreases plating began a large number of hydrogen evolution, coating deposition difficult. Because of this, for a variety of electro-galvanized process, only potassium (sodium) salt galvanized to adjust to. Currently Ma copper galvanized substantially this process. Potassium (sodium) salt advantage Mary copper plating is plated over rib dip plating Bright Day plated wire, significantly reduce production costs. Deficiencies are not easy all the tube wall forming a plating layer, the surface of the tubular body and easy to change, furans Movies protective coating, iron impurities are worries, do not deal with each month, it will shadow furans normal production. The early 1990s the advent of Bright Chloride zinc-iron alloy plating process, maintaining the hot dip protective properties, promoting potassium (sodium) salt galvanized advantages make up for the shortcomings of the process. Weaknesses workmanship, reflects the development of new protective plating technology. Especially after zinc alloy galvanized iron impurities are difficult to resolve harm into, but also by plating tube manufacturers of all ages. Zinc alloy known as galvanized pipe substituted over non-polluting technology. From the development Mary brass surface treatment tends to look, hot dip plating the transformation may be the future direction, zinc, iron and copper alloy galvanized replace Mary is inevitable that direction, barrel plating hanging plating production efficiency higher than that this is the inevitable result. This process will now be applied to the study author Mary barrel plating brass fittings practice summary written for reference


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    Company Name: Taigu County in Shanxi Province Jihong Malleable Iron Castings Co., Ltd.

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